Monday, May 22, 2017

"Don't cry because it's over, Smile because it happened" -Dr. Seuss

I don't really know how to start this email. It’s hard to process the fact that I am actually coming home in one week. I'll randomly get these thoughts in my head telling me to find a way to make it last longer, I keep feeling like President will make an exception, and ask me to extend. However these feelings are always followed by a prayer in my heart, and then peace from the Spirit telling me God has another plan.

Throughout my mission I have experienced things I never thought I’d be able to handle; Getting dropped by an investigator and friend, watching a recent convert lose their way, getting tossed around in a car crash, changing my clothes three times a day because the rain won’t stop falling and nobody will let us in when we knock on their door, having your flat burn down and losing everything, and worst of all is seeing God’s children reject Him. This list could probably go on for another good couple of pages, but that's not what I want to focus on.

I testify that through my trials the Lord has taken me upon his yoke and has made my burdens light. Without the rock of my Redeemer I would not still be here on my mission today. He has a pure love for each of us. He will always come to our aid. He will always come to our rescue. I have so been blessed to be an instrument in the hands of the Lord these last two years. He has blessed me to witness miracles. He has blessed me to see His children the way He sees them. He as blessed me to witness lives totally change as they come unto Christ and feel His Redeeming love. A wise friend once told me "Life is hard, but you'll find you wouldn't have it any other way" I am grateful for every second of my mission, especially the hard ones. I am grateful that the Lord took a recluse and broken soul such as I, and has molded me into something much better. 

I know He lives, and I know He loves us. He will guide us safely home.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Teaching Fernando

It certainly has been another great week of miracles!

First of all, we have had three sunny days in a row now; we are on day four and the skies are blue! This is by far the best weather I've had my entire mission. I was told that this is the Irish summer. Last week and this week have been beautiful, and then it will be back to clouds and rain. I'll enjoy it while I can!  

The most amazing spiritual experiences I had this week happened within the  walls of Fernando's home. We had our first lesson with him on Wednesday and brought along our joint teach who acted as an interpreter for us. Fernando grew up Catholic and was treated very poorly has a child in his catholic school. He told us about many experiences he had, like the nuns tying their hands behind their backs and trying to force then to speak. The priests would also teach the catholic community to stay away from missionaries and our church. It is a complete miracle that his heart was softened and Fernando decided to reach out to us. Very slowly and simply we began to teach the message of the restoration to him. His face lit up as we spoke about the love our Father in Heaven has for us. Our Interpreter explained to us that the vocabulary of a deaf person is very limited. When we testify we often use big phrases like "I know the church is true with every fiber of my being" But for a deaf person there is just only one translation. "I know the church is true." As we taught Fernando that was all he needed to know and although he could not hear the words of our voices I know he could hear the words of the spirit. The still small voice. Since then we have taught him the Gospel of Jesus Christ and invited him to Baptism, and yesterday we gave him a tour of the church. The work of the Lord cannot be Frustrated. What a blessing it is to be a part of it! 

 Look to the Book, Look to the Lord. Within the books pages, you will discover the infinite love and incomprehensible grace of God. As you strive to follow the teachings you find there, your joy will expand, your understanding will increase, and the answers you seek to the many challenges mortality presents will be opened to you. As you look to the book, you look to the Lord. The Book of Mormon is the revealed word of God. Gary E. Stevenson.

Time is running out of this crappy library computer, but I want you to know that God is a God of miracles. Open your eyes and you will see them all around you.

Love, Elder Brycen Cluster

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Bank Holiday and Departing Testimony

Friends and Family! This is going to be an extremely short email but I just wanted to at least give a quick little update. Yesterday was a bank holiday in Ireland and all the libraries were closed so I was unable to do emails but I have a few minutes right now so i'll cram some stuff in!

This past week seemed like endless hours of finding without much success. However, even though I can not see any immediate fruits from the labours at the moment, I know we are doing what the Lord wants us to do, and for that reason He will bless us. In fact just the other day I received and contacted my very first real media referral! His name is Fernando, apparently missionaries gave him a pass-along card around Christmas time and he just went onto the website and requested a missionary visit. It was a bit of a surprise when we tried by and found out that he was completely def. Using pen and paper and with faith in our hearts we managed to set up and appointment with him and trust in God that we would be able to make it work some how. Miracle..... We found out yesterday that there is a member in our ward that knows fluent sign language! We just got in contact with her and she is happy to translate for us. Our lesson with Fernando is tonight! please pray for us that that lesson goes well and that he feels the spirit. 

The other excitement happened today... We had an all Ireland meeting (My last one) and I gave my departing testimony with some of the other elders in my group. It was the craziest thing!! There was an amazing spirit all though that meeting, and it was hard to walk away after it was all over. I'm really going to miss those experiences. They also gave us the talk, (Collage, Jobs, and Dating) That was also very strange. They started the class by asking everyone what there plans were for when they get home, everyone in my group seemed to have everything perfectly mapped out, until they got to me.  My only response was, "I'm just gonna kinda wing it" I don't think the senior couple was happy with that answer because they called and said they want to meet with me again one on one... So yeah that's pretty much what we've been up to! I'm psyched for all the new experiences and opportunities to serve that await us in May. We will see miracles! 

Love you all!! Enjoy these wise words from our mission president!

"There is power that can cause things to happen that need to happen. There is a spiritual force that can stir a mortal soul toward the spiritual. Faith is a power, and it can cause things to happen that need to happen. It can cause a soul who is good, but dormant, to awaken to God.”(Elder Anderson)

Faith is a principle of power. God works by power, but His power is usually exercised in response to faith (see Moroni 10:7). He works according to the faith of His children. Doubt, fear (an absence of righteous works) are opposed to faith. In faith, we can accomplish what the Lord wants us to accomplish. We help bring about good in our own life and the lives of others. We are able to do miracles according to the Lord’s will. Our faith will be manifest through our diligence and (hard sustained) work. Faith includes confidence in the mission and power of the Holy Ghost. Through faith we receive answers to our prayers and personal inspiration to guide us in the Lord’s work." 
Love, Elder Brycen Cluster

PS. My new (and final) Address
22 Green Briar 
Blanchards Town
Dublin 15