Monday, October 12, 2015


This week’s email is going to be a little different because I’m extra short on time... The computers at the library were down, so we are taking a quick minute to email using the Higgins laptops!
I'll start this week off with my experience at the great and abominable church! So we were goin' round town talking to anyone and everyone and met this lady named Yavon and made a deal with her that if we went to her church, she would come to ours! And before we knew it, we were in a prayer circle, and everyone was speaking in tongues! It was strange stuff.... quite the experience though! I was happy to get out of there. The worst part is she bailed on coming to the true church... :(

The wonderful Anne Harrison took us out to eat again this week! That’s always a fun treat. Anne is the best!! She says I’m cheeky…. She actually went as far as telling my mom that I’m “Completely and Utterly full of Cheek!” Haha!
Cheeky Boy!

Next up was my exchange with Elder Tullis in Paisley! The exchange was awesome! I feel like I’ve been spending a lot of time in Paisley lately... We had a good time, and had an extremely spiritual lesson with Elder Tullis’ recent convert Allen. Allen is a boss! The spirit was so strong we came out on cloud 9! After we left the lesson, I got down on my knees with Elder Tullis in a dark wet field, and thanked Heavenly Father for the experience we had just had.
Saffron's Confirmation was yesterday! Another spiritual Thanksgiving to say the least. Afterwards we had our testimony meeting and the spirit had nearly everyone in tears.
The only other main event was when I found a new starfish friend in Dunoon! I named him Carl and took him home with me :)

Well sorry this one's a bit small, but thanks for all the emails, and most of all thank you for all the prayers! I was reading an MTC talk from Elder Holland and he explained how missionaries are the most prayed for group of people on the earth.... Dang!! #Blessed
Elder Cluster

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