My new companion is Elder Thompson, He's from Utah and is a Big Friendly Giant (He's 6'6"!) It’s nice to finally have a companion I can "Look up to" ;) We arrived here together on Thursday and have just been doing lots of finding and trying to get to know the place. My first impressions are... Nigerians. They are everywhere and it’s amazing! I mean, nearly half of sacrament was filled with people from Africa! I'm looking forward to getting to know all the different foreigners and to start working with them. I needed a change from the Irish!
My favorite part of
this week was a lesson we had with a Slovenian couple, they joined the church
about a year ago and have been having a lot of questions and are struggling
with some doctrine. They invited us over on Sunday and we were able
to have a very spiritual conversation with them while we discussed some of their
questions. They were so open and honest with us, it was amazing! They have a
genuine desire to find the truth and for that reason, I know they will!
My last few days in
Mullingar were fantastic! I'm really going to miss that branch, I was able to
spend some quality time with most of the members this week and for that I feel
very blessed. I know I wouldn't have been transferred for my last 6 weeks
unless it was part of Heavenly Fathers plan for me. The members are amazing
here as well and I can’t wait for the friendships I have ahead of me! This week
is going to be full of long finding days. Please pray for Elder Thompson and me.
Please pray that we will be able to find those our Heavenly Father has prepared
for us. We need to fill our teaching pool!
Today, while the sun shines, work with a will;
Today all your duties
with patience fulfill.
Today, while the birds
sing, harbour no care;
Call life a good gift;
call the world fair.
Today seek the treasure better than gold,
The peace and the joy
that are found in the fold.
Today seek the gems
that shine in the heart;
While here we labour,
choose the better part.
Today seek for goodness, virtue, and truth,
As crown of your life
and the grace of your youth.
Today, while the heart
beats, live to be true,
Constant and faithful
all the way through.
Today, today, work
with a will;
Today, today, your
duties fulfil.
Today, today, work
while you may;
Prepare for tomorrow by
working today.
I am so grateful for
each of you, and I always keep you in my prayers. You are amazing and have
divine potential from God!
Love, Elder
Brycen Cluster